THE SIMPLE ACT of mixing ketchup and mayonnaise together for dipping sauce is practised the whole world over, but we can’t quite agree on a name for it.
It’s known as golf sauce in South America, sauce américaine in France, Rot Weiss (‘red white’) in Germany, and fry sauce in the US.
Here are some of the names given to it by Irish people. There could be so many more. Who knows.
Burger sauce
It does go on burgers. That’s fair.
Chip sauce
It also goes on chips. But which one does it rightfully belong to?
Marie Rose sauce
Marie Rose is actually supposed to be a whole different sauce (it has Worcestershire sauce and lemon in it too), but that hasn’t stopped us stealing the name for our simple ketchup-mayo hybrid.
Pink sauce
Again, this is just pure ease. The sauce is pink. Call it pink sauce.
Special sauce
This is the fault of fast food establishments who want to convince us they’re actually doing something original. But it’s lies, ALL LIES.
Prawn sauce
At a guess, this one is inspired by a) the colour and b) the fact that the sauce is a key component in a prawn cocktail.
Cocktail sauce
Is this also because it’s served with prawn cocktail, or because it’s a cocktail of ketchup and mayo? MADE U THINK.
Over to you: What do you, personally, call ketchup and mayonnaise mixed together? Other than ‘disgusting’, obviously.
H/T @rbcakn